Rob's Vale of Glamorgan page

Rob Gardiner 2nd April 2016 This event has closed


I am running the Vale of Glamorgan ultra marathon to show my support to all those who are fighting cancer - especially my sister-in-law Lesley (Woolcock) Brown and raise awareness of ovarian cancer. I hope that you can find time to support this worthy cause.


Rob Gardiner

14th May 2017
I am happy to announce that we have exceeded expectations of £500.00 and we have raised (with sponsorship) £742.64. I would like to thank all those that supported or sponsored me in memory of my sister-in-law Lesley Brown, who bravely fought this horrible disease. Thank you.

Rob Gardiner

4th April 2016
We are now on course to pass the £500 target. I would like to say thank you again to all the people that have helped me achieve this goal (it's still not too late to make a donation - don't be shy lol).

Rob Gardiner

1st April 2016
Well the big day looms imminently on the horizon and the nerves are kicking in. I'm hoping I can complete the 32 miles and not have to retire or be retired prematurely. I would like to thank all those that have supported the cause via sponsorship and the JustGiving site Thankyou.

Rob Gardiner

21st March 2016
Well...the run is looming on the horizon, the nerves and excitement are kicking in. All the prerequisite paraphernalia has now been bought for the run - rehydration sachets, first aid kit, bandages etc. Thanks to all the generous contributions sponsorship/donations.